PennSTAR emergency vehicles

Tradition of Excellence

We have set and exceeded national benchmarks for academic achievement within the specialty for many years. At the core of our success is the drive and motivation of some of the most talented healthcare professionals nationwide.

Both independently and jointly with the Penn Trauma Center, Emergency Medicine physicians, fellows, residents, nurses, and other healthcare providers care for over 13,000 injured and complex trauma patients annually.

We strive for clinical excellence with a special emphasis on respect, professionalism, and patient-centered care. We are available to patients 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and are committed to providing world-class patient care.

Emergency Medicine Programs and Services

Disaster Preparedness

Penn Medicine's Department of Emergency Medicine has created a task force to prepare for possible disasters that may effect our community.

Emergency Medical Services

Emergency Department physicians provide around-the-clock on-line medical direction of Philadelphia Fire Department EMS personnel as well as providers from surrounding counties.

Emergency Ultrasound

Penn's Division of Emergency Ultrasound offers emergency medicine bedside ultrasound (EMBU) to obtain immediate information at the bedside about the condition of a patient.

Hyperbaric Medicine

As one of the most comprehensive programs in the nation, Penn Medicine is a leader in advancing hyperbaric oxygen therapy research and treatment.

Observation Medicine

Penn Medicine's Emergency Department Observation Unit (EDOU) provides patient care, observation and management to those with medical or traumatic conditions whose care can typically be completed in 24 hours or less.

Resuscitation and Critical Care

Penn's Department of Emergency Medicine has been a leader in the field of emergency critical care and resuscitation for over a decade.


Penn's Division of Medical Toxicology provides clinical support for the care of patients with suspected poisoning or adverse effects of medications.

Trauma Care

No other service, division, or department at Penn Medicine is as intimately and heavily involved in the care of trauma and injured patients as the Department of Emergency Medicine.
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